My Mum recently moved into a lovely Christian care home, and we now have the job of clearing out her Oxford bungalow so it looks presentable for the estate agents to sell. While clearing some papers I found a garden gift card for £25 that remained unclaimed. Sadly it had run out of date so there was no way of redeeming it. Di and I had bought the card and token for her, so I was disappointed that it had been wasted.  I thought that I should have taken my mum to the garden centre and helped her buy a plant she really liked. She is a very good gardener and always had a good show of plants in her garden.

It’s a bit like that with the promises of God. He has won for us peace, the ability to live righteous lives, and joy in the midst of difficult times, as well as provision for our daily lives. Drawing down these promises, so we experience them, is something we as believers need to know how to do. It’s a bit like the unused token.   If we don’t go and exchange the amount on the token with a product, there is no benefit for us. The prayer that Jesus taught us, helps with this process of drawing down his promises to us from heaven.

So here are three of the main keys to claiming those promises. The first is to give God the Father, our thanks, our worship, and our attention. (Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name  Luke 11:2 ). The second is to simply ask with confidence, expecting that we shall receive. (Give us today our daily bread – or peace, or breakthrough  Luke 11:3 ). Thirdly when the answer comes, we need to be quick to give him the glory and thanks. (Yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever  Matt 6:13).

It is not always so straightforward, but it’s worth starting like this and checking we are fulfilling the conditions. When God has made such special provision for us, is it not right that we receive all that is there for us? I wonder how God feels about us not receiving what he has paid out for our benefit.

We can help one another by reminding each other that there are promises to be taken hold of. We can join with one another in boldly asking for what The Father has promised.  


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Gathering Times

Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

Events / Calendar

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